Weekly workout plan

My goal is to do between 3 and 6 workouts per week. This are my 5 types of workouts.

Main goal is to do a lot of cardio but mantaining muscle.


I got an elliptical machine and is a great way to do cardio without thinking. I want to do 1 or 2 days of cardio for one hour.

(example of one of my workouts).

Pull day + Cardio

30 min of cardio and this routine:

  • chin-ups
  • RDL’s
  • rows
  • hummer curls
  • kb swings

Push days + Cardio

30 min of cardio and this routine:

  • dips
  • an squat variation
  • a press variation
  • db bench press
  • club bells


This is the main workout. It’s 2 hours of a lot of sweating and pain.


If we have time I will go to play tennis with my wife

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